Monday, December 30, 2013

Stopping Modi at all costs -- Gautam Sen. Infiltration of USA, blackmail, psecularatti...


Posted by Gautam Sen  /   December 30, 2013  /   Posted in CommentaryHeadline  /   5 Comments
A US decision has evidently reaffirmed that Narendra Modi cannot be allowed to become prime minister of India. This is similar to the verdict reached on the elected President of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi. The US simply did not trust him and the Muslim Brotherhood to keep their promises of good behaviour. It seems the conclusion was that Morsi had to be removed from power despite his firm crackdown on the interests of the Hamas in Egypt and emollient tone about other issues of concern to the US.
The Saudis had also weighed in because the Muslim Brotherhood has historically laid claim to leadership of the Islamic world. This was an intolerable threat to US influence over what has been State Department Islam, the best antidote to Arab nationalism and underpinning for anti-communism, in the context of the Cold War, through a supine Saudi monarchy, totally dependent on the US for survival. The US was also possibly aware of everything Morsi was saying in private through its comprehensive eavesdropping activities that leave little confidential. It is probable that Morsi was counselling his Muslim Brotherhood associates of the need to bide their time.
Narendra Modi’s case is not fundamentally different because it is feared that Modi and his supporters will curtail the huge incursions into India by US agencies the UPA has facilitated. It is assumed that once Modi forms the government and becomes aware that India’s is well on the way to becoming a US banana republic satellite–in the age-old Central American and Asian tradition, subject to indirect rule–he will move to end it. The US has evidently infiltrated India on a massive scale, blackmailing politicians with covertly acquired information, sponsoring countless secular and religious foundations and the purchase of a huge swathe of the Indian media.
However, the erstwhile BJP as such was not really a drawback for the US because some of its prominent leaders have been very close to the US, virtual spokesmen for it. Others bent over backwards during the tenure of the NDA to please. Two of the BJP’s most senior decision makers, including the late Brajesh Mishra, even made offers of sending Indian troops to join the coalition in Afghanistan. The Americans themselves had not made such a request to India because it would have sent their vital ally in the Afghan war into veritable frenzy. This idea was very wisely vetoed personally by Atal Behari Vajpayee himself!
The Muslim Brotherhood is now facing savage repression, with the US-backed Egyptian military embarked on a reign of terror. It has not hesitated to kill hundreds of civilian Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators, including many women, by the simple expedient of shooting them while they slept. It is also systematically decapitating the Muslim Brotherhood political leadership. The Egyptian military has effectively re-imposed a dictatorship that is a prelude to shepherding its own pliant creatures into power, but through a process that assures an outward democratic fig leaf. The Muslim Brotherhood has been denounced as a terrorist organisation and cannot contest elections.
An even harsher version of this model for maintaining US control was tried out successfully in Algeria during the 1990s. The US and French sponsored Algerian military dispensation killed anything up to 300,000 civilians to eliminate the radical Islamic Salvation Group. The free Fourth Estate of Europe and the US played its usual collaborationist role. It blamed the army of the Islamic Salvation Group for the widespread killings, often of their own supporters, in orgies of mindless bloodlust, however incredible and unlikely that might appear. The bloody conflict lasted a decade and ended with the total destruction of the Islamic radicals. The Western intervention, which has destroyed much of Syria, killing more than 150,000 people, to the approving clamour of the Western human rights lobby, is another variant for re-imposing imperial control over a country. The invasion and destruction of Iraq was another, the death toll approximately 2 million so far.
The Indo-US nuclear accord has puzzled many observers, especially the mostly ill-informed Indian public. Some insiders involved in the negotiation of the Indo-US Nuclear Accord were also mystified by the US decision to allow India to ascend, in effect, to the extraordinary status of a bona fide nuclear power. Even more apparently inexplicable was the direct efforts made by President George Bush Jnr. himself to ensure a favourable outcome at the IAEA negotiations. He made a personal phone call to the President of China at a crucial juncture of the negotiations, when the latter embarked on a discreet, last-minute manoeuvre to scupper the deal it had agreed earlier with the US.
An excellent, revealing account of China’s machinations, by a senior Indian journalist present in Vienna was buried by his editor, the owner of India’s most pro-Chinese daily. In the end, the most knowledgeable attributed this paramount political American decision, recognising India as a nuclear power, to President Bush supposedly becoming enamoured with the country on a visit during the 1990s. It is unconvincing, indeed inconceivable that such a decision of huge political import could have been the product of a sentimental whim.  Although it is possible Bush acquired an undue affection for India, however weird that might seem to even the most patriotic Indian.
The decision to accord India nuclear status occurred because of a US perception that it had finally managed to acquire a durable foothold in it and access to high level Indian decision-making during the tenure of the UPA. Indeed, it seems, the US was even able to determine appointments to the Union Cabinet, certainly in the case of the Commerce and the Environment portfolios and perhaps even the EAM’s selection is cleared now by the US ambassador in Delhi. The granting of nuclear status to India, which was well and truly an enormous gift was motivated by the US view of India as a new client satellite. The journey in this fateful direction began during the tenure of the NDA and has neared completion under a totally subverted UPA. To their credit, both Jawaharlal Nehru and India Gandhi had resisted this dire predicament during the first decades of Indian independence.
The UPA of course represents mainly the family, rather than India and is also deferential to the US, which is the fate of the family itself as well. Quite noticeably, the US has helpfully striven to conceal any embarrassing information on the likely UPA prime ministerial candidate. The purchase of untested Westinghouse nuclear reactors as quid pro quo for the Indo-US Accord was a less significant secondary understanding. One also begins to understand why the UPA became an agent WalMarts rather than representing the vital interests of millions of Indian retailers.
This does not mean India accedes to all US dictates, for example over the purchase of Iranian crude. However, a deeper subservience to US preferences has been established and is being institutionalised. The US has become the major shareholder in the equity of the GoI, much as it has been in Pakistan for decades.
Mohammed Morsi may have eventually brought its own divinely-sanctioned misfortune to Egypt, but his entrapment, after the preliminary honeyed effusions from Washington, is a lesson for Indians, themselves on the verge of losing control over their country. Morsi was never in full command of the Egyptian government and the affairs of the country, despite an overwhelming electoral mandate. The religious obsessions of the Muslim Brotherhood also constrained a calculated grasp of the harsh secular international realities lapping around them.
They were determined to achieve, in short order, some of their Shariah-ordained goals on personal conduct, especially pertaining to women’s dress codes and sexual behaviour, a central pillar in the history of Islam, imperial expansion apart. The desire to impose curbs on other supposedly un-Islamic liberal freedoms was also accorded high priority. Yet, he was never in full control of critical economic issues like food and petroleum prices, which rose inexorably. As a result, a myriad of voluntary organisations and media outlets, blatantly sponsored by the US, had tens of thousands of the religiously less observant on the streets, baying for his blood. Within days of his brutal overthrow prices and other shortages mitigated and the Saudis and Kuwaitis extended huge loans to the beleaguered Egyptian economy.
The virtually instant announcement, after the swearing-in of Arvind Kejriwal and his juvenile crew, following their inept, comic preening for the media, was a hunger-strike in Bhopal and the decision to contest elections in Gujarat. The goal of AAP is now blindingly obvious. The intention is to split the anti-Congress vote to prevent Modi and the BJP winning enough seats in 2014 to form a viable government. The other alternative outcome would be to reduce their number sufficiently to facilitate the barely-concealed claim of his implacable opponents inside the BJP to propose an alternative candidate for prime minister, ostensibly to help form a governing coalition. The Indian domestic political support for the AAP intervention is from the counterparts of the so-called young and liberal in Cairo’s Tahir Square. They are really all a product of India’s manipulative and manipulated English language media, much of it in hock to banks and foreign conglomerate owners.
How the AAP originated and their personal international ties are indeed a matter of interest, but not the only issue. The Magasaysay award is a known instrument for affording recognition to Asians sensitive to the US portrayal of the world. Volunteering to work for Mother Teresa is also an agreeable item on a CV, indicating desirable political impulses to Western governments.  At the very least, the US has intervened in a dynamically unstable Indian polity to affect outcomes. Funding a useful political or voluntary local entity through an Indian business house is standard practice for foreign countries. They reimburse the business house by engaging with it in an unrelated profitable transaction. The Saudis regularly employ such business deals in India on behalf of Pakistan and the US does so as well in scores of countries. It offers complete anonymity and its legality hard to question.
The final solution to a difficult and high stakes political standoff will be to assassinate Narendra Modi. The attempt already made in Patna is almost certain to have had foreign participation and the background to it presents a truly shocking picture of high level local complicity. Attempts to assassinate Modi are likely to occur again. Determined efforts continue to incite Islamic radicals to make such an attempt, by funding endless court proceedings to ensure the accusations over the 2002 Gujarat riots remain alive.
The logistical backup for any plan to murder Narendra Modi will likely originate in Pakistan, already rejoicing at the colossal damage to Indian intelligence the UPA attempt to curb him has inflicted. It is also extremely suspect that invitations to Narendra Modi to visit came from three close US allies, two of them with little compelling reason for extending them. The US itself persists in using the issue of his visa to cause him whatever negative publicity possible. Quite clearly, assassinating him abroad might have been considered more logistically feasible and less damaging politically than in India. The intention is to end the career of the most popular Indian politician since independence and one that threatens to assert it.
Dr Gautam Sen taught international political economy at the London School of Economics.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Hindu Psyche-By Prof David Frawley

                          The Hindu Psyche-By Prof David Frawley
A thought provoking article; evokes doubts about s' concern for self esteem that seems to be sliding down with every passing moment.
The following article by Prof. David Frawley  (American Institute of Vedic Studies, New Mexico)explains a lot about the psyche of Hindus and  calls for some deep introspection by them.

The Colonial Native Vs The Hindu

Dr. David Frawley

September 2, 2013

A defeatist tendency exists in the psyche of modern Indians perhaps unparalleled in any other country today. An inner conflict bordering on a civil war rages in the minds of the country’s elite.

 The main effort of its cultural leaders appears to be to pull the country down or remake it in a foreign image, as if little Indian and certainly nothing Hindu was worthy of preserving or even reforming.

The elite of India suffers from a fundamental alienation from the traditions and culture of the land that would not be less poignant had they been born and raised in a hostile country. The ruling elite appears to be little more than a native incarnation of the old colonial rulers who haughtily lived in their separate cantonments, neither mingling with the people nor seeking to understand their customs. This new English-speaking aristocracy prides itself in being disconnected from the very soil and people that gave it birth.

There is probably no other country in the world where it has become a national pastime among its educated class to denigrate its own culture and history, however great that has been over the many millennia of its existence.
When great archaeological discoveries of India’s past are found, for example, they are not a subject for national pride but are ridiculed as an exaggeration, if not an invention, as if they represent only the imagination of backward chauvinistic elements within the culture.

 There is probably no other country where the majority religion, however enlightened, mystical or spiritual, is ridiculed, while minority religions, however fundamentalist or even militant, are doted upon.
The majority religion and its institutions are taxed and regulated while minority religions receive tax benefits and have no regulation or even monitoring. While the majority religion is carefully monitored and limited as to what it can teach, minority religions can teach what they want, even if anti-national or backward in nature. Books are banned that offend minority religious sentiments but praised if they cast insults on majority beliefs.

There is probably no other country where regional, caste and family loyalties are more important than the National Interest, even among those who claim to be democratic, socialist or caste reformers.
Political parties exist not to promote a national agenda but to sustain one region or group of people in the country at the expense of the whole. Each group wants as big a piece of the national pie as it can get, not realizing that the advantages it gains mean deprivation for other groups. Yet when those who were previously deprived gain power, they too seek the same unequal advantages that causes further inequality and discontent.

India’s affirmative action code is by far the most extreme in the world, trying to raise up certain segments of the population regardless of merit, and prevent others from gaining positions however qualified they may be.
In the guise of removing caste, a new castism has arisen where one’s caste is more important than one’s qualifications either in gaining entrance into a school or in finding a job when one graduates. Anti-Brahminism has often become the most virulent form of castist thinking.
People view the government not as their own creation but as a welfare state from they should take the maximum personal benefit, regardless of the consequences for the country as a whole.

Outside people need not pull Indians down.
Indians are already quite busy keeping any of their people and the country as a whole from rising up.
They would rather see their neighbors or the nation fail if they are not given the top position.
 It is only outside of India that Indians succeed, often remarkably well, because their native talents are not stifled by the dominant cultural self-negativity and rabid divisiveness that exists in the country today.

Political parties in India see gaining power as a means of amassing personal wealth and robbing the Nation
 Political leaders include gangsters, charlatans and buffoons who would stop short at nothing to gain power for themselves and their coteries.
Even so-called modern or liberal parties resemble more the courts of kings, where personal loyalty is more important than any democratic participation.
Once they gain power politicians routinely do little but cheat the people for their own advantage.
Even honest politicians find that they cannot function without some deference to the more numerous corrupt leaders who often have a stranglehold on the bureaucracy.

Politicians divide the country into warring vote banks and place one community against another.
They offer favors to communities like bribes to make sure that they are elected or stay in power. They campaign on slogans that appeal to community fears and suspicions rather than create any national consensus or harmony.
They hold power based upon blame and hatred rather than on any positive programs for social change.
They inflame the uneducated masses with propaganda rather than work to make people aware of real social problems like overpopulation, poor infrastructure or lack of education.

Should a decent government come to power, the opposition pursues pulling it down as its main goal, so that they can gain power for themselves. The idea of a constructive or supportive opposition is hard to find. The goal is to gain power for oneself and to not allow anyone else to succeed.

To further their ambitions Indian politicians will manipulate the foreign press to denigrate their opponents, even if it means spreading lies and rumors and making the country an anathema in the eyes of the outside world.
Petty conflicts in India are blown out of proportion in the foreign media, not by foreign journalists but by Indians seeking to use the media to score points against their own opponents in the country.
 The Indians who are responsible for the news of India in the foreign press spread venom and distortion about their own country, perhaps better than any foreigner who dislikes the culture ever could.

The killing of one Christian missionary becomes a national media event of anti-Christian attacks while the murder of hundreds of Hindus is taken casually as without any real importance, as if only the deaths of white-skinned people mattered, not the slaughter of the natives.
Missionary aggression is extolled as social upliftmentwhile Hindu efforts at self-defense against the conversion onslaught are portrayed as rabid fundamentalism.
One Indian journalist even lamented that western armies would not come to India to chastise the political groups he was opposed to, as if he was still looking for the colonial powers to save him!

Let us look at the type of leaders that India has had with its Laloo Prasad Yadav ( ex CM Bihar), Mulayam Singh Yadav( ex CM UP) or Jayalalita to mention but a few. Such individuals are little more than warlords who surround themselves with sycophants.
Modern Indian politicians appear more like colonial rulers looting their own country, following a divide and rule policy, to keep the people so weak that their power cannot be challenged. Corruption exists almost everywhere and bribery is the main way to do business in nearly all fields.
India has an entrenched bureaucracy that resists change and stifles development, just out of sheer obstinacy and not wanting to give up any control.

The Congress Party, the oldest in this predominantly Hindu nation, has given its leadership to an Italian Catholic woman simply because as the widow of the last Gandhi prime minister, she carries the family torch, as if family loyalty were still the main basis of political credibility in the country. And such a leader and a party are deemed progressive!

The strange thing is that India is not a banana republic of recent vintage but one of the oldest and most venerable civilizations in the world. Its culture is not trumpeting a militant and fundamentalist religion trying to conquer the world for the one true faith but represents a vaster and more cosmic vision. India has given birth to the main religions that have dominated East Asia historically, the Hindu, Buddhist, Jain and Sikh, which are noted for tolerance and spirituality.


It has produced Sanskrit, perhaps the world’s greatest language. It has given us the incredible spiritual systems of Yoga and its great traditions of meditation and Self-realization. As the world looks forward to a more universal model of spirituality and a world view defined by consciousness rather than by religious dogma these traditions are perhaps the most important legacy to draw upon for creating a future enlightened civilization.
Yet the irony is that rather than embracing its own great traditions, the modern Indian psyche prefers to slavishly imitate worn out trends in western intellectual thought like Marxism or even to write apologetics for Christian and Islamic missionary aggression.
Though living in India, in proximity to temples, yogis and great festivals, most modern Indian intellectuals are oblivious to the soul of the land. They might as well be living in England or China for all they know of their own country.
 They are isolated in their own alien ideas as if in a tower of iron. If they choose to rediscover India it is more likely to occur by reading the books of western travelers visiting the country, than by their own direct experience of the people around them.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

One man standing by N.V. Subramanian

One man standing

N.V. Subramanian 

27 December 2013

New Delhi 

[Anarchy faces India without Narendra Modi.]

Between India and anarchy stands Narendra Modi, and the Congress party, its political partners, Western powers, China and Pakistan are determined to remove him from the way. In pursuit of his own ambitions, Arvind Kejriwal of the Aam Admi Party is prepared to play their game.

There are some in the Bharatiya Janata Party who would also gladly see the Gujarat chief minister quit the prime minister’s race. 
It would conceivably be the best thing for India if he becomes the prime minister in 2014 and the worst if his detractors and enemies triumph. 

Under him, the nation will resolutely rise, and in his absence, it will plunge into the abyss. This is as clear as day is not night. 

Having failed to trap him in fraudulent Gujarat riots’ litigations, the Manmohan Singh government has instituted its own inquiry into the so-called “snoop-gate”. This is a witch-hunt. The Union cabinet’s clearance of the “snoop-gate” inquiry was timed on purpose to coincide with the judicial pronouncement on the Gulbarg massacre case.

A pronouncement of Modi’s guilt by the metropolitan court of B.J.Ganatra taken together with the “snoop-gate” inquiry would have sunk the Gujarat chief minister’s prime-ministerial campaign.

The knives would have been out for him in the Bharatiya Janata Party with Sushma Swaraj and Shivraj Singh Chauhan preening themselves to replace Modi unless Lal Krishna Advani pre-empted them. 
But the idea also was that if Modi got a clean chit in the Ehsan Jafri case, the “snoop-gate” inquiry would temper the celebrations in the Modi camp, and it has played to the script so far.

Nevertheless, Modi is beginning increasingly to appear as a victim of Congress machinations and dirty tricks, and this could potentially rebound on the party.

But in attempting to halt Modi in his tracks, the Congress is prepared calculatedly to hurt itself, as it has done in Delhi by propping up Arvind Kejriwal. Shiela Dixit and Co. perhaps are presently expendable for the Sonia-Rahul Gandhi high command, but the dynasty seems prepared to make further sacrifices to keep Narendra Modi at bay.

Reconciled to losing the 2014 election badly, the dynasty appears keen to buttress Arvind Kejriwal to neutralize Modi.

One giveaway to his scheme is the sudden animation of Ahmed Patel, Sonia Gandhi’s all-powerful political secretary, who, according to the press, managed to get the Aam Admi Party on board.

When Shiela Dixit tried to scupper the deal, Patel came into the limelight for the first time in decades to say all was well with the arrangement with the Aam Admi Party.

Patel, if anyone needs reminding, comes from Gujarat, and is the party’s point man to target Narendra Modi in the state and elsewhere.

If there is any deal in which Ahmed Patel is involved, you would be seriously hard-pressed to call it chaste.Since he has now become the face of the Congress for ties with the Aam Admi Party, it sends its own message.

The Congress attempt, perhaps, is to manage a Delhi-type election result all over the country where a clear majority eludes Modi, and then to back a complete non-entity for the post of prime minister, and Kejriwal and his group could come handy for such a denouement.

Kejriwal may be a clean man, but most men, if not all, have a price. Against Anna Hazare’s explicit wishes, Kejriwal entered politics. So his claim that Hazare remains his guru is humbug and base opportunism. That is fine. No man is perfect, and ambition is not a bad thing. But ambition can also take you into nether regions and have you truck with the devil. Remember Faust?

Power is like that. Once you are seduced by power, it takes no while to go down the slippery slope. Remarkable are those who remain in restraint throughout, and they are rare. Kejriwal has stepped into the cesspool of power politics with hands yoked to the Congress party. What can you say to that?

He won on an anti-Congress and anti-Bharatiya Janata Party platform. The Bharatiya Janata Party stepped out of the picture when it refused to take office or support another. Kejriwal came under pressure from his legislators to form the government braced by the Congress. He even claims his mini referendum supported that decision.

Someone is being disingenuous here. How did voters who had vitriolic hatred for the Congress suddenly agree to support Kejriwal’s tie up with that party? It does not square up.

This is the beginning of the dissimulation and more will follow. It comes as no surprise to this writer. ‘All things truly wicked,’ Ernest Hemingway wrote in A Moveable Feast, ‘start from an innocence.’ 

Anyone who could betray a good man like Hazare cannot be expected to live up to the highest ideals for long. At any rate, the Congress is like termite (with apologies to the termite). It hollows out anyone or anything it seizes, and the Congress high command has captured Arvind Kejriwal. Ahmed Patel has entered the frame, the pilot fish to the lower kingdom.

The history of the Congress party is to use and discard allies and friends. It backed Nitish Kumar in Bihar after he broke with the Bharatiya Janata Party, and he is, today, a nowhere man, deeply embittered, with his prime-ministerial dreams shattered.

Arvind Kejriwal will suffer the same fate. 

The Congress will tolerate his public abuses even while silently undercutting him, and by the time he is addicted to power, it will press its demands on him. Almost certainly, the Congress party will use the Aam Admi Party to absorb the people’s anger against it, and employ Kejriwal’s newfound celebrity to upset Narendra Modi’s applecart in North India where it most fears his march. Whether or not it succeeds is another matter, because such underhand dealings cannot entirely be concealed from voters, but its aim would be to kill two birds with one stone.

The Congress party is desperate not so much for itself as for the fate of the dynasty if Narendra Modi comes to power, and desperate organizations can do dangerous things.

In doing the Congress’s bidding, Arvind Kejriwal will surely cover his tracks with pious declamations and platitudes, and there may even be anti-Congress rhetoric for public consumption, but don’t be fooled.

The grand old party is wizardly in entrapment. It has compromised the bulk of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s Delhi establishment, and its hatred for Modi stems from his refusal to sell out. 

Arvind Kejriwal can no longer claim similar immunity because he will be chief minister of Delhi shortly strictly courtesy Sonia Gandhi and Rahul, with Ahmed Patel making all the theatrical arrangements for the deception of you and I. All with a single-point agenda to stop Narendra Modi.

Which is where the Western powers come in together with China and Pakistan with contributory roles. A weak, politically divided, economically crippled India suits their interests best. 
With Modi’s arrival, and the country’s unstoppable rise under his leadership a given, their entire devilry is frustrated. 

This may cast up as a surprise but Narendra Modi faces the direst threat to his life abroad. 

Intelligence officers go so far to suggest that Modi should undertake no foreign trips for the full duration of his first term as prime minister. It is not known if such inputs have been conveyed to him.

The United States is in the forefront of Western powers that would loathe Modi’s ascension to power at the Centre. It withdrew his visa no sooner than the Congress formed the Central government, and it tried to play the Centre against Modi in the Devyani Khobragade case by objecting to his Bombay rally citing a non-existent threat to its Bandra East consulate.

Against Modi, however, the campaign would exceed all this. The anti-Modi hit squads within India have suspected Western links, and the danger to his life multiplies abroad. 

In all such activities, the Pakistani connection is never far away, and looming in the background is China, Pakistan’s all-weather friend, and India’s implacable foe, which has much to fear from Modi’s rise. On the campaign trail, every hour that he survives is a small miracle. 

And if he is removed, India will be joined in anarchy. 
You can write off this nation for a whole generation. 

N.V.Subramanian is Editor, and writes on politics and strategic affairs. 

He has authored two novels, 'University of Love' (Writers Workshop, Calcutta) and 'Courtesan of Storms' (Har-Anand, Delhi). 

Historic verdict of truth and justice by Narendra Modi

Historic verdict of truth and justice

27 Dec 2013

My dear sisters and brothers,

The law of nature is that truth alone triumphs – Satyameva Jayate. Our Judiciary having spoken, I felt it important to share my inner thoughts and feelings with the nation at large. 

The end brings back memories of the beginning. 

The devastating earthquake of 2001 had plunged Gujarat into the gloom of death, destruction and sheer helplessness. Hundreds of lives were lost. Lakhs were rendered homeless. Entire livelihoods were destroyed. In such traumatic times of unimaginable suffering, I was given the responsibility to soothe and rebuild. And we had whole heartedly plunged ourselves into the challenge at hand.

Within a mere five months, however, the mindless violence of 2002 had dealt us another unexpected blow. Innocents were killed. Families rendered helpless. Property built through years of toil destroyed. Still struggling to get back on its feet from the natural devastation, this was a crippling blow to an already shattered and hurting Gujarat. I was shaken to the core. ‘Grief’, ‘Sadness’, ‘Misery’, ‘Pain’, ‘Anguish’, ‘Agony’ – mere words could not capture the absolute emptiness one felt on witnessing such inhumanity.

On one side was the pain of the victims of the earthquake, and on the other the pain of the victims of the riots. 

In decisively confronting this great turmoil, I had to single-mindedly focus all the strength given to me by the almighty, on the task of peace, justice and rehabilitation; burying the pain and agony I was personally wracked with. 

During those challenging times, I often recollected the wisdom in our scriptures; explaining how those seating in positions of power did not have the right to share their own pain and anguish. They had to suffer it in solitude. I lived through the same, experiencing this anguish in searingly sharp intensity. 

In fact, whenever I remember those agonising days, I have only one earnest prayer to God. That never again should such cruelly unfortunate days come in the lives of any other person, society, State or nation.

This is the first time I am sharing the harrowing ordeal I had gone through in those days at a personal level. However, it was from these very built up emotions that I had appealed to the people of Gujarat on the day of the Godhra train burning itself; fervently urging for peace and restraint to ensure lives of innocents were not put at risk. I had repeatedly reiterated the same principles in my daily interactions with the media in those fateful days of February-March 2002 as well; publically underlining the political will as well as moral responsibility of the Government to ensure peace, deliver justice and punish all guilty of violence. 

You will also find these deep emotions in my recent words at my Sadbhavana fasts, where I had emphasised how such deplorable incidents did not behove a civilised society and had pained me deeply.

In fact, my emphasis has always been on developing and emphasising a spirit of unity; with the now widely used concept of ‘my 5 crore Gujarati brothers and sisters’having crystallised right at the beginning of my tenure as Chief Minister itself from this very space. However, as if all the suffering was not enough, I was also accused of the death and misery of my own loved ones, my Gujarati brothers and sisters. Can you imagine the inner turmoil and shock of being blamed for the very events that have shattered you! For so many years, they incessantly kept up their attack, leaving no stone unturned. 

What pained even more was that in their overzealousness to hit at me for their narrow personal and political ends, they ended up maligning my entire State and country. 

This heartlessly kept reopening the wounds that we were sincerely trying to heal. It ironically also delayed the very justice that these people claimed to be fighting for. Maybe they did not realise how much suffering they were adding to an already pained people.

Gujarat, however, had decided its own path. We chose peace over violence. We chose unity over divisiveness. We chose goodwill over hatred. This was not easy, but we were determined to commit for the long haul. 

From a life of daily uncertainty and fear; my Gujarat transformed into one of Shanti, Ekta and Sadbhavana

I stand a satisfied and reassured man today. 

And for this, I credit each and every Gujarati. The Gujarat Government had responded to the violence more swiftly and decisively than ever done before in any previous riots in the country. 

Yesterday’s judgement culminated a process of unprecedented scrutiny closely monitored by the highest court of the land, the Honourable Supreme Court of India. 

Gujarat’s 12 years of trial by the fire have finally drawn to an end. I feel liberated and at peace.

I am truly grateful to all those who stood by me in these trying times; seeing through the facade of lies and deceit. With this cloud of misinformation firmly dispelled, I will now also hope that the many others out there trying to understand and connect with the real Narendra Modi would feel more empowered to do so. 

Those who derive satisfaction by perpetuating pain in others  will probably not stop their tirade against me. I do not expect them to. 

But, I pray in all humility, that they at least now stop irresponsibly maligning the 6 crore people of Gujarat.Emerging from this journey of pain and agony; I pray to God that no bitterness seeps into my heart. 

I sincerely do not see this judgement as a personal victory or defeat, and urge all – my friends and especially my opponents – to not do so as well. I was driven by this same principle at the time of the Honourable Supreme Court’s 2011 judgement on this matter.

I fasted 37 days for Sadbhavana, choosing to translate the positive judgement into constructive action, reinforcing Unity and Sadbhavana in society at large. I am deeply convinced that the future of any society, State or country lies in harmony. This is the only foundation on which progress and prosperity can be built. 

Therefore, I urge one and all to join hands in working towards the same, ensuring smiles on each and every face.

Once again, Satyameva Jayate!

Vande Mataram!

Narendra Modi