Subject: A Tale of Two Muslims - Beautiful message from a Muslim SurgeonA beautiful message from Muffazal Lakdawala a well known Bariatric Surgeon at Saifee Hospital, Mumbai.A Tale of Two Muslims*
Never before has the death of 2 Muslims created so much media and public speculation and scrutiny before.
One is the tale of a much loved public hero, a teacher , a philanthropist , a respected scientist, and above all; A people's president.
The other of an ordinary businessman who until a decade back was known to few other than his inner circle of friends and now hung for being a terrorist and contributor to the heinous 1993 blasts.How ironical that both have received much publicised burials the same day?I am not a jurist or someone who has an opinion on the legal process nor on the technical details of the bomb blasts , neither do i want to argue on the merits or demerits of the hanging as has been done ad nauseam by legal experts and so called bearers of moral values of society . It is not my job to even debate the essence of capital punishment whether it should be given or not. This is the story of two Muslims by me a Muslim.
Yes It is true that both were Muslims, both born and brought up in India, one in a poor fisherman's village Rameswaram, the other in India's financial capital Mumbai. Both may have had the same opportunities, same obstacles, same so called minority setbacks, but see how different their lives and death turned out to be.
One Muslim died at the ripe old age of 83 and over a billion people grieved for his loss, the other had his life taken away in an untimely unnatural way on the day he turned 54, how many would truly grieve for his loss other than his immediate family is anyone's guess .One Muslim died a hero of masses another a national traitor. One Muslim dreamed and lived to lead the nation to greater heights those even beyond this planet. The other unfortunately got misled and let his country down.
It is only natural as human beings to feel sad for the family of one who has lost his life even if it's that of someone who was an anti national and convicted for it but spare a moment and feel the pain of the hundreds who lost their own kith and kin so many years back for absolutely no fault of theirs. I don't understand people and politicians who want to give a religious tone to this entire episode , I hope the common Indian Citizen can read their bluff and not fall prey.
Here we are talking not of religion but of national safety and anybody remotely anti national should meet the same fate be it a Muslim or Hindu or Christian or anybody else.
For their own selfish reasons whether it's for votes or otherwise , some people incite passions in the name of religion from either community without laying out true facts. India has the second largest number of Muslims in the world as its citizens. So how do we become a minority? Where have they not had enough opportunities to grow ?
We have had 2 Muslim Presidents, the top 3 most loved and followed film stars at this moment are Muslim, the Indian cricket team has had a Muslim captain, A R Rahman is one of the few Indians to get a Oscar for India, is a Muslim. Number of Chief ministers of states and members of parliament are Muslims , Defence Chiefs and heads of police have been Muslim. I have progressed like so many other Muslims only because of our great nation and its policy of religious tolerance. Let's not cloud and poison our minds with a few stray incidents carried out by those with vested interests as they are not the norm.
Media, they say, has a huge responsibility but do you think it was correct that the same person whom they had painted as a true villain for being instrumental in creating blasts, was suddenly now being shown as the person who was being wronged, who should get sympathy. Do you think that the President of India , the Governor , the esteemed Supreme Court judges all were wrong to convict him for his offences ? I believe they were just doing their jobs,tough as it was. The same media had a front page editorial screaming mercy petition cancelled for one convict and hanging today and on the same front page another article stated mercy for ex prime ministers killers.
If this is not being insensitive to the deceased family or inciting tensions then what is ? So should we believe in everything that media sells to us or even in that political class which refused President Kalam a second term. It's time that the Muslims in India stand up and be counted as Indians first , be proud of their nation and what it's done for them , be known for their patriotism because I bet all Muslims would be proud to be born, live and die as Dr APJ Abdul Kalam - The hero of Hindustan .
Jai Hind"
( Friends, I never ever watch TV News or so called family serials which are more of horror serials of Alfred Hitchcok kind. I have stopped watching IPL two years ago. I pity people watching TV News or serials, in the name of entertainment or Information, with eyes glued to the TV and tongues hanging out). After seeing the disgraceful coverage at APJ's funeral coverage on Times of India (TOI), I have stopped taking TOI. I do not see how I will be a lesser human being than anyone else.)
'Who owns our Media', a mail shall be sent o you in a day or two. When you read that, you will know how foreigners through our own people, have all but bought the media. And likes of Arnab Goswami and Rajdeep Sirdesai are tools in their hands. Its on my WhatsApp. Anyone who can convert it to Email, please reply me on this mail or let me have his mobile number. My computer or mobile knowledge is prep level, hence the request. Thanks & Regards. RKM
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Subject: A Tale of Two Muslims - Beautiful message from a Muslim Surgeon
It is rather surprising to note that GOI - or anybody else for that matter-
being surprised at the support the Pakistan terrorists received from the
local population of Kashmir. These PAKISTAN STATE ACTORS (There is NO SUCH
THING AS "NON-STATE" ACTORS -they did NOT jump from the sky & did not
vanish into thin air) have always received EXTENSIVE & TOTAL support from
the local Muslim population whether in Mumbai, Coimbatore, Delhi, Kashmir
or elsewhere.
How can ANY motley group of people plan meticulously, get deadly weapons &
ammunition, HIDE THEM & execute their sinister plans without support from
local Muslims? Where do these sinner Animals get shelter, food, money,
(im)moral support etc? I know personally that the area "Kottaimedu"- known
as MINI-PAKISTAN in Coimbatore got emptied well before the serial bomb
blasts (22 of them killing much more than the official 56) on 16 Feb 1997
when LK Advani visited Coimbatore.
This has always been the case in any of the Pakistani terrorist attacks
whether the train blasts in Mumbai or anywhere else? Tell me how can these
terrorists escape so easily BUT for the local support? They merge so well
with the local population. This is our 'SECULARISM" rather "SICKULARISM".
a large no of them are supporters.
Prof N. Ramanathan
being surprised at the support the Pakistan terrorists received from the
local population of Kashmir. These PAKISTAN STATE ACTORS (There is NO SUCH
THING AS "NON-STATE" ACTORS -they did NOT jump from the sky & did not
vanish into thin air) have always received EXTENSIVE & TOTAL support from
the local Muslim population whether in Mumbai, Coimbatore, Delhi, Kashmir
or elsewhere.
How can ANY motley group of people plan meticulously, get deadly weapons &
ammunition, HIDE THEM & execute their sinister plans without support from
local Muslims? Where do these sinner Animals get shelter, food, money,
(im)moral support etc? I know personally that the area "Kottaimedu"- known
as MINI-PAKISTAN in Coimbatore got emptied well before the serial bomb
blasts (22 of them killing much more than the official 56) on 16 Feb 1997
when LK Advani visited Coimbatore.
This has always been the case in any of the Pakistani terrorist attacks
whether the train blasts in Mumbai or anywhere else? Tell me how can these
terrorists escape so easily BUT for the local support? They merge so well
with the local population. This is our 'SECULARISM" rather "SICKULARISM".
a large no of them are supporters.
Prof N. Ramanathan
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
An open letter by a cop to those opposing death penalty to Yakub
A very thought provoking letter below. Did you notice? All the "Sickularists" are demanding abolition of death penalty! So they know for sure that all those who are likely to be hanged in future will also be Muslim terrorists!!??
An open letter by a cop to those
opposing death penalty to Yakub
Guest Author /, July 30, 2015
Dear “Intelligentsia” of India,
I am not a TV panelist. I am not a “human rights” activist. I am not a lawyer. I am not a political commentator. I am not a best-selling author. I am not the son or grandson of a famous man. I am an aam aadmi. More than an aam aadmi, I am an officer in the Indian Police force. And I am writing this letter to all of you, after seeing your robust defence of a terrorist.
Why I mention who I am is important because unlike all of you, I don’t sit in plush AC offices and write editorials seeking clemency for a murderer. Nor do I visit TV studios and shout myself hoarse. Instead I meet such killers every single day. But I don’t meet them for cocktail parties or at press conferences (like some of you do).
I meet them on the road, in the streets, with weapons in their arms and hate in their eyes. I have been in situations with them where they would not hesitate a single moment before pulling the trigger on me, but I have to consider all the ramifications like “human rights”, “due process” and “fake encounter” before I save my life and of the innocent people around me.
Given the above I believe I am in a far better position to comment on a mass murderer like Yakub Memon than any of you are.
To defend this criminal, multitudes of arguments have been put forth by what are now called “Adarsh Liberals” in our society. Luckily, almost no one has pleaded that he is innocent. The situation is such that Indians have to be grateful to our “Intelligentsia” for such small mercies.
But one common hypothesis put forward by many is that Yakub Memon surrendered to the Indian authorities, and then cooperated with the investigations. Plain lies. The late B Raman, one of India’s finest intelligence officers wrote this in his article:
He had come to Kathmandu secretly from Karachi to consult a relative and a lawyer on the advisability of some members of the Memon family, including himself, who felt uncomfortable with Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, returning to India and surrendering to the Mumbai police. The relative and the lawyer advised him against surrender due to a fear that justice might not be done to them. They advised Yakub to go back to Karachi.
Before he could board the flight to Karachi, he was picked up by the Nepal police on suspicion, identified and rapidly moved to India.
This was yesterday confirmed on some news channels when they interviewed the Nepali police officer. He re-iterated that there was no deal and Yakub was fleeing to Karachi. Then why are our “Intelligentsia” hell bent on stating otherwise?
Let me put it another way: I know there is a rat in my house, and I place a laddoo in a trap. The rat gets caught and then pleads for mercy saying that he had come to “surrender” because I had offered him a “laddoo” (deal). Do I let him live?
The second common argument is “but we are against death penalty. It is barbaric”. My simple question is: Did it take the death sentence of a terrorist to wake up the bleeding heart activists? Couldn’t you demand a change in law for so many years? Why are you crying for this beast?
For the record even I am not decided on this issue. Just because we are from the police force doesn’t mean we do not value human life. But in the case of a terrorist, what choice do we have? Do we preserve him hoping he will reform? Can terrorists who come with guns in their hands and an unshakable belief that what they are doing (killing innocent people) is right, be ever reformed?
Forget reformation, keeping such a dastardly mind alive is a big security risk too. Every time he is shifted from jails we have to be our toes to see if any attempt will be made by his gang members to either kill him, so that he is silenced or rescue him, so that he can continue his activities. And there is always the risk that one fine day his friends will hold some innocent civilians hostage and demand his release, so that we can put our lives at risk all over again to re-capture him.
You want to abolish death penalty? Go ahead, but not for terrorists.
Some of our “intelligentsia” have been crying that “due processes of law” have not been followed in this case. It is a shame that a case which is going for 2 decades, which has been debated at multiple levels of the judiciary, even at the highest level, is still subjected to scrutiny by mis-informed, half-read, cretins sitting in AC cabins and reading op-eds. If you did have a problem with the process, why did you not raise your voice in 2013 when he was sentenced to death? Why now when his death is imminent? Are these delaying tactics? Where do your loyalties lie dear “Intelligentsia”? I sincerely hope all these people are tried for contempt of court.
And finally there are some utter lowlifes who have given this entire thing a political, communal and even casteist colour. How can one party whichever it may be, be held responsible for a Supreme Court verdict, which has taken 2 decades and during which time multiple political parties have fought in courts against Yakub Memon? Do you have even an iota of conscience and rationality left in you when you make such absurdly illogical statements to defend a terrorist?
In the aftermath of the Gurdaspur attacks, it has been reported that now India may be a target of the ISIS. In such situations Indians must unite and fight such a huge demon. But given how our “Intelligentsia” are hell bent in sowing seeds of discord among us, I fear we will be easy targets for such groups. While we keep shouting Hindu-Muslim, Brahmin-Dalit, BJP-Congress, I fear these terrorists will rip my poor country apart.
– A “thulla”
(The author’s identity has been withheld on request of the author)

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