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From: balakrishnan hariharan
Date: 27 July 2014 19:22
Subject: " WHO ARE WE ? " - LETTER TO TNIE
Warm Regards
Date: 27 July 2014 19:22
Subject: " WHO ARE WE ? " - LETTER TO TNIE
Dear Sir,
Apropos the 'SICK -U- LAR' verbiage in an eminently 'FORGETTABLE' -
Apropos the 'SICK -U- LAR' verbiage in an eminently 'FORGETTABLE' -
" Gross Domestic Product of Lowest Common Denominators "
- (TNSE - 27 Jul 2014)
As part of the rant, the writer penned :
" Imagine the dyslexia afflicting political minds in what is India’s truly cosmopolitan and progressive state [Goa]. Now, his brother Pandurang Dhavalikar, an MGP legislator, member in Parrikar’s cabinet, sought the “cooperation” of people so that India could be made into a Hindu Rashtra. This was not at a public meeting but on the floor of the House. Within hours, his colleague and Deputy Chief Minister, Francis D’Souza, declared
competitively that “India is a Hindu nation”. Imagine all this in a state which joined the Union of India following a unified struggle against colonialists and a war".
This rejection of our 'civilisational ethos' by this 'SICK-U-LAR' hack, reminded me of a prescient passage in the most readable - " Understanding India : Relevance of Hinduism "-[2007],ed. Dr. Subhash C.Kashyap [ Former Secretary General,
As part of the rant, the writer penned :
" Imagine the dyslexia afflicting political minds in what is India’s truly cosmopolitan and progressive state [Goa]. Now, his brother Pandurang Dhavalikar, an MGP legislator, member in Parrikar’s cabinet, sought the “cooperation” of people so that India could be made into a Hindu Rashtra. This was not at a public meeting but on the floor of the House. Within hours, his colleague and Deputy Chief Minister, Francis D’Souza, declared
competitively that “India is a Hindu nation”. Imagine all this in a state which joined the Union of India following a unified struggle against colonialists and a war".
This rejection of our 'civilisational ethos' by this 'SICK-U-LAR' hack, reminded me of a prescient passage in the most readable - " Understanding India : Relevance of Hinduism "-[2007],ed. Dr. Subhash C.Kashyap [ Former Secretary General,
Lok Sabha ] and Abhaya Kashyap.
In the Introduction, Dr. Subhash Kashyap wrote :
" Samuel P.Huntington, the famous author of the 'Clash of Civilizations', has come up with another provocative work, which raises the question : WHO ARE WE ? What is the substance of American National Identity as contra-distinguished from other people ? His very clear, categorical and unequivocal conclusion is that Americans are essentially religious people, the core of American National Identity is 'ANGLO-PROTESTANT CULTURE' and that RELIGION AND NATIONALISM GO HAND IN HAND. America is a 'NATION WITH THE SOUL OF A CHURCH'".
" Huntington forcefully argues that America will CEASE TO BE ITSELF AND ITS CREED IS UNLIKELY TO RETAIN ITS SALIENCE if Americans abandon the ANGLO-PROTESTANT CULTURE in which the NATION IS ROOTED".
" The purpose of drawing attention to Huntington's seminal work and his idea about AMERICAN NATIONAL IDENTITY is to POSE A SIMILAR QUESTION TO OURSELVES : 'WHO ARE WE?' WHAT IS INDIA'S NATIONAL IDENTITY? If the logic of Huntington's argument is followed and applied to India, the thesis that emerges would PERHAPS BE IMMEDIATELY FROWNED UPON AS DIABOLICAL HINDU CHAUVINISM. All that is necessary is to substitute 'American' by 'Indian' and 'Anglo-Protestant' by 'Hindu' or 'Hinduism'. Anyone who attempts it would at once be denounced by the PSEUDOLIBERAL INTELLECTUALS
In the Introduction, Dr. Subhash Kashyap wrote :
" Samuel P.Huntington, the famous author of the 'Clash of Civilizations', has come up with another provocative work, which raises the question : WHO ARE WE ? What is the substance of American National Identity as contra-distinguished from other people ? His very clear, categorical and unequivocal conclusion is that Americans are essentially religious people, the core of American National Identity is 'ANGLO-PROTESTANT CULTURE' and that RELIGION AND NATIONALISM GO HAND IN HAND. America is a 'NATION WITH THE SOUL OF A CHURCH'".
" Huntington forcefully argues that America will CEASE TO BE ITSELF AND ITS CREED IS UNLIKELY TO RETAIN ITS SALIENCE if Americans abandon the ANGLO-PROTESTANT CULTURE in which the NATION IS ROOTED".
" The purpose of drawing attention to Huntington's seminal work and his idea about AMERICAN NATIONAL IDENTITY is to POSE A SIMILAR QUESTION TO OURSELVES : 'WHO ARE WE?' WHAT IS INDIA'S NATIONAL IDENTITY? If the logic of Huntington's argument is followed and applied to India, the thesis that emerges would PERHAPS BE IMMEDIATELY FROWNED UPON AS DIABOLICAL HINDU CHAUVINISM. All that is necessary is to substitute 'American' by 'Indian' and 'Anglo-Protestant' by 'Hindu' or 'Hinduism'. Anyone who attempts it would at once be denounced by the PSEUDOLIBERAL INTELLECTUALS
[ like Shankkar Aiyar ! ], as being an
exemplified by the 'SICK-U-LAR' English Media in its various Avatars !!
It was not only Huntington who argued ' America will CEASE TO BE ITSELF AND ITS CREED IS UNLIKELY TO RETAIN ITS SALIENCE if Americans abandon the ANGLO-PROTESTANT CULTURE in which the NATION IS ROOTED".
Cut back a century to 30 May 1909. In his last political speech, before retiring to Pondichery, Sri Aurobindo concluded his famous 'UTTARPARA Speech' as :
" This is the word that has been put into my mouth to speak to you today. What I intended to speak has been put away from me, and beyond what is given to me I have nothing to say. It is only the word that is put into me that I can speak to you. That word is now
finished. I spoke once before with this force in me and I said then that this movement is not a political movement and that nationalism is not politics but a religion, a creed, a faith. I say it again today, but I put it in another way. I say no longer that nationalism is a creed, a religion, a faith; I say that it is the Sanatan Dharma which for us is nationalism. This Hindu nation was born with the Sanatan Dharma, with it it moves and with it it grows. When the Sanatan Dharma declines, then the nation declines, and if the Sanatan Dharma were capable of perishing, with the Sanatan Dharma it would perish. The Sanatan Dharma, that is nationalism. This is the message that I have to speak to you".
If Huntington writes, we Indians will QUOTE him, because he is WEST & White Skinned. If Sri Aurobindo speaks, we will dub him 'COMMUNAL'. What a stupid people, we are ! FIT TO BE SLAVES - ONLY.
In a 2001, in a publication called 'Ideal India, the Lighthouse of Peace on Earth', Maharishi Mahesh Yogi wrote the following:
"Those people who are holding the reins of Indian administration should know their administration is not of Indian origin. The Indian Constitution, promoted by Jawaharlal Nehru, is non-Indian because it does not nourish the life of either Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, or Shudras; it is only suited to Varn Shankar Shrisht - it is not suited for the survival and evolution of pure life. It does not cater for the natural specialties of Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, or Shudras; it does not even suit the
requirements of Brahmachari, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, or Sanyas - it does not cater for the Varn Prasht Vyavastha - it is a copy of non-Indian ideals of life, which have resulted from thousands of years of slavery of foreign powers in India.
Through Devata Yagya and Anusthan, Bhakti, and Vedant, we are trying to bless the world from the ancient Indian heritage - the Vedic Heritage; but the Government of India is suppressing the reality of Indian life through its laws.
We strongly condemn the word "secular' and the meaning of secularism that governs the administration of the Government of India, and which dismisses the scientific reality of Devatas and Yagyas and has put these most fundamental fields of intelligence out of government policy.
For India to be ideal, it has to rise to invincibility through the wisdom of the Veda; through devotion to Devatas and Yagyas and through the performance of Yagya and Anusthan for the individual to rise to his Cosmic Potential.
The deep roots of Dharma have been cruelly invaded by the British, American, and German Christian-oriented philosophy of life.
It is a shame for Indians, living in the Land of the Veda, to allow the fundamentals of their Vedic Knowledge to be invaded and virtually crucified by the shallow and very superficial principles of Christendom - baseless principles of life in the name of national unity."
Best exemplified by the 'SABBATH SICK-U-LAR' NONSENSE VOMITTED BY A 'ROOTLESS' Shankkar Aiyar. His verbiage reminded me of a verse from the 'KATHA UPANISHAD' :
" Living in the midst of IGNORANCE, considering themselves to be wise, the deluded wander confused, like the blind led by the blind. The way to TRUTH does not appear to a confused
mind, DELUDED by the illusion of wealth (materialism). Thinking that this world alone exists and there is nothing beyond, they ever return AGAIN and AGAIN to the net of death".
Stick to Economics and GDP, Shankkar Aiyar. Culture and Civilisational ethos are 'WAY BEYOND YOUR SICK-U-LAR PREDILICTIONS'.
exemplified by the 'SICK-U-LAR' English Media in its various Avatars !!
It was not only Huntington who argued ' America will CEASE TO BE ITSELF AND ITS CREED IS UNLIKELY TO RETAIN ITS SALIENCE if Americans abandon the ANGLO-PROTESTANT CULTURE in which the NATION IS ROOTED".
Cut back a century to 30 May 1909. In his last political speech, before retiring to Pondichery, Sri Aurobindo concluded his famous 'UTTARPARA Speech' as :
" This is the word that has been put into my mouth to speak to you today. What I intended to speak has been put away from me, and beyond what is given to me I have nothing to say. It is only the word that is put into me that I can speak to you. That word is now
finished. I spoke once before with this force in me and I said then that this movement is not a political movement and that nationalism is not politics but a religion, a creed, a faith. I say it again today, but I put it in another way. I say no longer that nationalism is a creed, a religion, a faith; I say that it is the Sanatan Dharma which for us is nationalism. This Hindu nation was born with the Sanatan Dharma, with it it moves and with it it grows. When the Sanatan Dharma declines, then the nation declines, and if the Sanatan Dharma were capable of perishing, with the Sanatan Dharma it would perish. The Sanatan Dharma, that is nationalism. This is the message that I have to speak to you".
If Huntington writes, we Indians will QUOTE him, because he is WEST & White Skinned. If Sri Aurobindo speaks, we will dub him 'COMMUNAL'. What a stupid people, we are ! FIT TO BE SLAVES - ONLY.
In a 2001, in a publication called 'Ideal India, the Lighthouse of Peace on Earth', Maharishi Mahesh Yogi wrote the following:
"Those people who are holding the reins of Indian administration should know their administration is not of Indian origin. The Indian Constitution, promoted by Jawaharlal Nehru, is non-Indian because it does not nourish the life of either Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, or Shudras; it is only suited to Varn Shankar Shrisht - it is not suited for the survival and evolution of pure life. It does not cater for the natural specialties of Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, or Shudras; it does not even suit the
requirements of Brahmachari, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, or Sanyas - it does not cater for the Varn Prasht Vyavastha - it is a copy of non-Indian ideals of life, which have resulted from thousands of years of slavery of foreign powers in India.
Through Devata Yagya and Anusthan, Bhakti, and Vedant, we are trying to bless the world from the ancient Indian heritage - the Vedic Heritage; but the Government of India is suppressing the reality of Indian life through its laws.
We strongly condemn the word "secular' and the meaning of secularism that governs the administration of the Government of India, and which dismisses the scientific reality of Devatas and Yagyas and has put these most fundamental fields of intelligence out of government policy.
For India to be ideal, it has to rise to invincibility through the wisdom of the Veda; through devotion to Devatas and Yagyas and through the performance of Yagya and Anusthan for the individual to rise to his Cosmic Potential.
The deep roots of Dharma have been cruelly invaded by the British, American, and German Christian-oriented philosophy of life.
It is a shame for Indians, living in the Land of the Veda, to allow the fundamentals of their Vedic Knowledge to be invaded and virtually crucified by the shallow and very superficial principles of Christendom - baseless principles of life in the name of national unity."
Best exemplified by the 'SABBATH SICK-U-LAR' NONSENSE VOMITTED BY A 'ROOTLESS' Shankkar Aiyar. His verbiage reminded me of a verse from the 'KATHA UPANISHAD' :
" Living in the midst of IGNORANCE, considering themselves to be wise, the deluded wander confused, like the blind led by the blind. The way to TRUTH does not appear to a confused
mind, DELUDED by the illusion of wealth (materialism). Thinking that this world alone exists and there is nothing beyond, they ever return AGAIN and AGAIN to the net of death".
Stick to Economics and GDP, Shankkar Aiyar. Culture and Civilisational ethos are 'WAY BEYOND YOUR SICK-U-LAR PREDILICTIONS'.
Warm Regards
Very good article and quotes. Unless we alter our constitution as Yagnavalkya Smriti or Manusmirti, we are not a Independent nation.