Monday, August 18, 2014

The story of my Sanskrit

Has Ananya Vajpeyi met this lady before show wrote her article - The story of my Sanskrit

“We Indians have been following the principle of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam (the world is our home)…..we respect every language,”  Nasreen, who has written a number of books on the subject, said.


On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 11:12 AM, Srinivasan Seshadri <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: balakrishnan hariharan
Date: 17 August 2014 17:52

FROM : Rajiv Malhotra, co-author : " Breaking India : Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines " - (2011) - A Posting in Another Group 

The story of my Sanskrit The above article by Ananya Vajpeyi (now a prof at CSDS, Delhi) reminded me of the following memories from the past.

The only time I met this young scholar in person was at an annual conference of the American Academy of Religion, where I was saddened by the heavily "caste, cows, sati, dowry" focus in her paper. 

The paper's title and abstract had fooled me into expecting something more balanced & sensible about Sanskrit. It was clear that this PhD student felt compelled to politicize Sanskrit - emphasizing mainly how it was abusive of caste and women.

Later, I learned from her former JNU prof Kapil Kapoor that she had studied under him, and hence had become encouraged to go abroad for further Sanskrit studies. 

He mentioned this during my discussion on howFerdinand Sassuere had used Pannini's Sanskrit grammar and other Sanskrit texts to formulate his theories on structuralism

He mentioned that Ananya had done her MA on this very  topic in UK - a topic inspired by him. But later she U-turned upon reaching USA for her PhD. 

In fact, she was reluctant to share her own MA dissertation once she went to USA, as its thesis counter to the anti-Sanskrit camp she had joined. 

Prof Kapoor promised me several times over the years to get her MA dissertation for my reference, but never managed to get this from his own former student.

Now in this latest article she lashes against him as someone in the Modi era -- she belongs in an anti-Modi camp.

I also once met her father, a distinguished Hindi scholar, through a mutual friend in Delhi. I explained to him my work in exposing Hinduphobia and biases against our sanskriti. 

He confidently replied that his daughter was an example of young scholars who will counter such biases. He was so proud of her while she was still a student in USA. Little did he know. How naive parents can be regarding where their children are headed intellectually after leaving home.

The story gets worse. 

Her network of contacts in Delhi lobbied with Sonia G's cabal to get a Padam Shree award for her PhD adviser, Sheldon Pollock. 

He is the author of the infamous book "The Death of Sanskrit". 

He more than any other individual has helped to reposition the study of Sanskrit into terms and filters of "caste abuse". 

While Indian leftists already hated Sanskrit, they lacked direct knowledge of the language or its texts. This is where Pollock has provided them ammunition by training a  small army of sepoys like Ananya, and got them jobs in India, from where they carry out the civilizational war far worse than the Brits ever could.

With this background you can see through her article inThe Hindu. 

She calls Sanskrit studies "biased" in India - parroting the predictable allegations about gender and caste. But here's the elphant in the room she misses: She has nothing to say about the massive biases against Sanskrit and sanskriti in the Western academy  of which she is a product. 

Why this silence? 

Why no honesty to critique her own peer group of western Indologists? What about this bias?

Her article uses Dina Nath Batra merely as a straw man. But her real target is Sanskriti. 

Notice the nuanced praise for Sanskrit, while in fact ending up debunking its legitimacy -- seen as a scourge for human rights of the "downtrodden".

Indians are exceedingly naive about praise for the likes of Pollock and their trained sepoy armies. What a slick move to title her article ""My Sanskrit". 

We are up against a large army of such "Made in USA" Indian scholars with expertise (but no shraddha) for Sanskrit/Vedas/Hindus.

Ananya is the face of what these new sepoys are looking like:
  • Like the prior ones, they can be: very sharp, intelligent, articulate, courageous, outspoken. But unlike before, the strategy has new qualities given below:
  • Unlike sepoys of the past, these new sepoys are Sanskrit educated in USA by the likes of Hawley, Pollock, Doniger, Witzel and a dozen other PhD factories.
  • In return, they get their mentors like Pollock big awards by Indian govt -- Padam Shree for Pollock about 2  or 3 years back is one example. Also, Narayan Murthy selected Pollock to be editor in chief of his $20 million grant to translate classical Indian works into English. You can imagine which translators he selects and what filters/biases they are required to utilize in their interpretation.
  • Most Indians get fooled because these sepoys can play both sides skilfully. Ananya looks like a sweet Indian girl who gets sympathy from the moron "uncle jis' and auntie ji's" at Indian gatherings."She is like our beti", is the type of sympathetic response the nexus wants to elicit in deploying such sepoys.They know the psychology of Indian morons.
  • About 100 - 250 such sepoys have been trained at PhD level in the past 15 years in the West, mostly in USA.
  • The raw material is brought to USA from places like JNU and other similar leftist universities, to make sure the person is vulnerable and ready for advanced training and brainwashing.
  • These people are now spread widely in India - universities, media, think tanks (like CSDS), etc.
  • The new govt lacks adequate screening of such folks as they try to sneak into important organizations where they will serve their masters in the West.
  • The game has become far more dangerous. I started monitoring this strategy around year 2000 when I had a big fight with Jack Hawley's "Indian team" of students at Columbia -- all from JNU, all doing PhDs in Hinduism. The reaction from Hindu activists and leaders in USA was pathetic. They had no clue. They came across like a bunch of unsophisticated and uninformed persons not interested in learning what I had to say.
  • My sources inform me that Sringeri mattha is likely to fund several million dollars to help these PhD factories. This is how ignorant our folks are. But who am I in their eyes to listen to?The white scholars are so smooth in impressing the Indian fools, using their skills with Indian languages and culture.
  • Nothing has changed since British colonialism. In fact, the Americans have upgraded their game considerably. Macaulay must be smiling in his grave.
Please feel free to re-post my earlier post and this one on Ananya Vajpeyi.



On Sunday, 17 August 2014 1:24 PM, Mohan Natarajan <> wrote:

Dear Sir

Sanskrit never says, you learn me, you learn me.  How Ananya came to the conclusion that sanskrit is the preserve of brahmins.  Had she not heard about
Vyasar, Kalidasa, Valmigi, etc, - all non-brahmins and great sanskrit scholars.  In fact, all Gods are non-brahmins and Gods were using Sanskrit language.Lord Krishna's Bhagavat Gita is in sanskrit and Lord Krishna was a Yadav - non-brahmin. 

She is generalising after her personal experience with a few people - who refused to share the treasures of sanskrit. If we go  by her logic, then all tamilians are traitors - Justice party/Kazhagams supported the British rule and opposed the independence movement.  Like wise, can we say that all tamils are terrorists based on LTTE deeds?

The missionaries thought that by eliminating brahmins, hinduism can be destroyed and christianity can take over.  Hence, they invented the aryan-dravidian divide and brahmin-non-brahmin divide.  And your paper is gleefully following the missionary tactics by publishing articles which promote divisive and fissiparous tendencies.

whether Hindu he can tell, how many brahmins made millions by keeping sanskrit as exclusive property?  If Hindu can find 100 brahmins in tamilnadu - who can read, write and speak sanskrit flawlessly, then I WILL STOP READING HINDU NEWSPAPER.

Brahmins never used sanskrit to make 1,86,000 crores in 2G scam.  Brahmins never used sanskrit to instal 300 line illegal  telephone exchange to run brahmin owned TV channels without incurring a single paise expenditure.  Brahmins never used sanskrit to acquire 50% of tamilnadu for their progeny.


ALAS! now, the only credible news in the paper appears to be -  the OBITUARY COLUMN.

I am sorry, I am provoked because Hindu is continuoulsy publishing anti-Hindu articles, in the name of secularism.  Can Hindu tell, whose exclusive preserve are Latin, Greek etc.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely

N Mohan

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